How to know if Alaska is Screwed in the 32nd Legislative Session starting in January 2020….
If we don't start paying attention to what got us all in this mess in the first place. We are...
If we don't start paying attention to what got us all in this mess in the first place. We are...
Mayor Ethan Berkowitz was on KWHL and like any really bad politician who can’t answer simple questions does. Completely avoids...
How can we every trust anything they tell us? When it appears that our Legislators in Juneau only know how...
"Breaking News" that never gets old sharing..... You can clearly see by the Votes above who is controlled by the...
No Tourists, No Oil, No New Mines, Commercial Fishing Struggling to find a market to buy it. Food costs going...
Senator Natasha von Imhof is the Number One Reason the Alaska Senate didn't pass a Stimulus returning what they had...
"What is a Binding Caucus" The same Far Left Socialist Establishment of King and Queen Makers are working hard to...
Can you believe it? Alaska School system stepped into the 21st century. Thanks to the Coronavirus/Covid-19 it does appear to...
It's about time we got rid of that Rino Representative Gabrielle LeDoux & voted her out of office. She has...
Once again the Far Left Courts of Alaska overrule the other two branches of our government and tell them that...