Legislators in Juneau only know how to do two things. Lie to us and break the Laws that we have….
How can we every trust anything they tell us? When it appears that our Legislators in Juneau only know how to do two things. Lie to us and break the Laws that we have.
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Exposing the Corruption that is happening in Juneau and around our Great State of Alaska has turned into a fulltime job. We are working hard to report what MSM won’t tell us, expose our Corrupt Legislators for who they really are and what they don’t want you to know. But, we need your help to do it. By Chipping in a couple of bucks, we will be able to expand our reach and improve our content to you! Help Us Grow and Chip in a few dollars today.
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Politadick, Exposing the Corruption in Alaska with Facts, that Local Media won’t dare show you!