“Currency, Carbon Capture & Carbon Credits”… What do they all have in common?
District 30 Presents: “Currency, Carbon Capture & Carbon Credits” Please share this with your neighbors District 30.Guest Speaker:“We Are The...
Alaskan's trusted news source – Exposing the Corruption in Alaska!
District 30 Presents: “Currency, Carbon Capture & Carbon Credits” Please share this with your neighbors District 30.Guest Speaker:“We Are The...
Share Share Email Help Us Combat the Ministry of Misinformation, Defeat the Far Left MSM & Government Narratives they keep...
“Breaking Alaskan News!”Alaska has “Joined The Lawsuit With Texas!”Once again Governor Mike Dunleavy says one thing the day before and...
“Breaking News”My House Is On Fire!From State Senator Mike Shower“Someone told me a very good analogy I wish I'd have thought...
Can I say: “I Told You So.....”Lawbreaking Legislators like or Ex-Senator Cathy Giessel were running ads claiming what is inside...
Alaska in Distress... Have you ever wondered who is directly involved with the Recall Dunleavy and Save Our State groups and where are they...
Governor Mike Dunleavy is still wanting to know the Answer to this question. Every Alaskan with two Brain Cells should want...