“Homeless in Alaska”
“We can do better than using money from the Covid-19 Cares Act to push a very old Socialist Agenda.”
What Mayor Ethan Berkowitz and the Far Left Assembly are trying, is 100% illegal use of that money. The Mayor and Assembly plan on using over $22 Million of the Cares Act Money to combat Homelessness. This is not what that money is intended for.
The Assembly and Mayor have made it perfectly clear they can care less that 30% of Alaska’s Businesses have not reopened their doors. That they don’t have the supplies needed to actually open the Schools next month, that people can’t pay their house, rent and car payments because the companies they use to work for are going bankrupt or have permanently closed there doors.
They try to argue The gap is growing between the number of people in Anchorage experiencing homelessness and the amount of available housing hasn’t really grown over the years they say. Has it really? Doing the research, the number of Homeless living on the Streets hasn’t change very much over the last decade. What has changed is the amount of Socialist programs they now have pretending to fight the problem.
Sad knowing those living on the streets want it all to be 100% Free and where they can do their drugs and alcohol. Nearly 95% of the ones living on the streets are there by choice. Not because the don’t have a place to sleep.
There is maybe 50 people out of the 1,200 living on the streets that need a Hand Up to get things back on tract and I’m sure I am inflating the number of actual people looking for that Hand Up.
The Assembly and Mayor have had over two months with them living in the Sullivan Area. It has shown Alaskans, out of those living on the streets, they don’t want a Hand Up. If they did, they wouldn’t of packed up and gone back out the door once summer arrived.
A proposal is before the Anchorage Assembly, which will provide what they are now calling, “safe spaces” and “supports” for those who are most vulnerable as well as those who just need a helping hand.
A new ordinance will be heard on Tuesday the 21st that will change the Zoning of those buildings to match the Agenda they have for them. Ignoring the overwhelming testimonies of those living there not to do it. They don’t care what we have had to say. The decision to do this was made before they even made it public to Alaskans it was happening and given a chance testify last week on it.
Thank You to everyone who showed up and gave Testimony about this rezoning and the purchasing of those four Buildings+ taking over ownership of the Beans Café.
Here is More on the two ordinances being considered and how to testify here: http://publicdocs.muni.org/sirepub/pubmtgframe.aspx?meetid=1659&doctype=agenda

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