Alaskan's trusted news source – Exposing the Corruption in Alaska!
“Alaska’s dividend program is, of course, anything but socialistic. Socialism is government taking from a wealthy few to provide what government thinks is best for all. Permanent Fund Dividends do just the opposite. They take from the money which, by constitutional mandate, belongs to all and allows each individual to determine how to spend some of his or her share. What could be more capitalistic?” – Gov. Jay Hammond
Shocking how many people asked for this post on Facebook (Link Below) to be taken down or hidden. What Gov. Jay Hammond has to say is exactly the opposite of what most in Alaska Senate Majority, Alaska Senate Democrats and All in the Alaska House Majority have been telling us.
They know for a fact that the PFD was never setup to fund Government. It was Alaskan’s share of the Mineral Wealth beneath the ground that “We Alaskans All Own!”
Our Legislators don’t want you to know the truth about our PFD. This is why I Keep sharing the ones that really matter! Over 60,000 Alaskans have seen this post on Facebook.
Never Forget That All Alaskans Own, All the Resources in Alaska and Lawbreaking Legislators are trying to steal them all away from us.
Contact Save The PFD and Permanent Fund Defenders for what you can do to stop the theft from continuing to happen.
Here is when it was originally posted on Facebook
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Politadick, Exposing the Corruption in Alaska with Facts, that Local Media won’t dare show you!