“Currency, Carbon Capture & Carbon Credits”… What do they all have in common?
District 30 Presents: “Currency, Carbon Capture & Carbon Credits” Please share this with your neighbors District 30.Guest Speaker:“We Are The...
Alaskan's trusted news source – Exposing the Corruption in Alaska!
District 30 Presents: “Currency, Carbon Capture & Carbon Credits” Please share this with your neighbors District 30.Guest Speaker:“We Are The...
Share Share Email Help Us Combat the Ministry of Misinformation, Defeat the Far Left MSM & Government Narratives they keep...
Share Share Email Help Us Combat the Ministry of Misinformation, Defeat the Far Left MSM & Government Narratives they keep...
Alaska House Debates SB26 Stealing Alaskans PFD's To Pay For Government4 Months into Session & they continue to play games...
Eagle River Town Hall.Second one for the day for two of those listed below. The Narrative is clear though. They...
"Palmer Senior Center Town Hall" Alaska Legislators Town Hall at the Palmer Senior Center went pretty well. Suffice to say the...
Can I say: “I Told You So.....”Lawbreaking Legislators like or Ex-Senator Cathy Giessel were running ads claiming what is inside...
It's About time Alaska School system stepped into the 21st century. This Coronavirus Covid-19 does have a silver lining for...