
“Breaking News”
My House Is On Fire!

From State Senator Mike Shower

“Someone told me a very good analogy I wish I’d have thought of to tell during Saturday nights floor session.

Your house is on fire. You have 4 extinguishers. You use 2. You save the other 2 just in case you have a house fire next year. Your house burns down.

In a sense the legislature did this Saturday night. Alaska has multiple tools (extinguishers) in its tool kit. We used a couple but not all of them. Why wouldn’t we use them all while the house is burning down? If your kingdom burns down you rule over ashes.

Drawing money out of our savings to provide an immediate cash infusion into our economy – not taking on debt or relying on the federal government – was just one more valuable tool we had available to help Alaskan’s and our economy survive this COVID19 disaster.

Yet we kept the money in reserve. While the house burns.


June 20, 2020:

Our Statutory PFD’s was suppose to be $3,010.00 this year. Those in the picture below with a small handful of other Lawbreaking Legislators used the Illegal Binding Caucus to steal $2,010.00 from every Alaskan and declared that we are “Too Stupid” to know how to responsibly spend that kind of money. Only they know how to do that.

Now they had put it into law that we were to receive a $1,000.00 PFD this year. Now they can’t even make that happen. Seems to me they are so desperate to keep giving themselves raises and get paid Perdiem to do nothing but sit at home. They thought that $5.6 Million they just stolen out of each and every Alaskans pockets was the way to pay for it all.

Stop the Theft! Contact Save The PFD today and find out what you can do to Stop the Theft!

November 12, 2020:

Our Elections in Alaska are almost over and unfortunately many of the Far Left Socialist Rino/Democrats have made it back there once again. Get Ready for the Big Battle to Begin here real soon with Legislators Demanding our State be Shut Completely back down again and when they make it to Juneau to form another Illegal Binding Caucus in the House and Senate that will once again Sell Out Our Voices & Votes to the Special Interests of Alaska.


We need your Help… 

Exposing the Corruption that is happening in Juneau and around our Great State of Alaska has turned into a fulltime job. We are working hard to report what MSM won’t tell us, expose our Corrupt Legislators for who they really are and what they don’t want you to know. But, we need your help to do it. By Chipping in a couple of bucks, we will be able to expand our reach and improve our content to you! Help Us Grow and Chip in a few dollars today. 

We are just getting started! 

Politadick, Exposing the Corruption in Alaska with Facts, that Local Media won’t dare show you!

We here at Politadick need your Support. Without your donations we cannot afford to keep “Breaking the News” that MSM and our Legislators refuse to tell you. We are looking to find 3500 people willing to donate $5-$100 dollars a month.  With your support we are looking to expand our content that we are bringing to you across all Platforms of Social Media.  All donations go directly back into keeping Politadick expanding our reach to all of you!

For Every $200.00 Donation made right now we will send you a “Make Alaska Great Again” Hat.  Six colors to choose from:
Red, White, Blue, Navy Blue, Pink, Royal Blue & Black.  Make sure when you make your donation to give your Full Address, Email and color of hat that you would like shipped to you.

You can also now find us on:

Parler @Politadick
Twitter @Politadick (Posting just YouTube Videos there.  Just started to add our Website Articles.)
Instagram @Politadick  (Will be posting regularly by the end of December)
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As we grow we will be adding to the list of where you can find our Postings.  By January we are looking to take things to the next level with Weekly and one day Daily Podcasts, Live-Streaming to all Media Channels.  But the only way we will be able to make that happen is with your Support. 

Anything you can give helps.

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