Lance Pruitt Steps up to the Plate and Sues State of Alaska, Lieutenant Governor Kevin Meyers & Gail Fenumiai Over the Changing Of Our Election Laws…..

Representative Lance Pruitt isn’t going down without a Fight.  Today he has filed a Lawsuit 

Lance Pruitt the person on the left with the Alaska Mask on helping out in the community.

Above lists the Attorney or people through their Attorneys representing Lance Pruitt.  the Defendants is to be Lt. Governor Kevin Meyer & Gail Fenumiai.  This is to be held in the Third Judicial Court of Alaska.

Below it explains who the Parties are in the case and the Juicy stuff begins at the end.


#1  The General Election happened on November 3, 2020
#2  There were several errors in the conduct of the election sufficient to change the outcome of the election.  
#3.  Just Days before the Election Polling Places in House District 27 were changed without sufficient notification to voters.
#4  Addon for #3 this was the second time the Polling Places had been Changed during 2020  This cause a lot of confusion and many voters not making it to the polls because they couldn’t find them.

#5  The Judicial Court eliminating the Witness Requirement for the 2020 Election.  (opened the door for Double Voting, see Picture Bellow)
#6  Lower court based upon introductory review, the Supreme Court upheld the lower court’s granting of the preliminary injunction. (This is Illegal for them to have done.  Our Election laws can not be changed by the Judicial Branch.  It has to be done by the Legislative Branch of our Government and Signed into Law by our Governor Mike Dunleavy.)
#7  One Absentee Voter returned tow ballots, one using his first name and one using his middle name.  (Nothing says this didn’t happen multiple times.  They were Lucky just to catch this one.)

Next they get into what they have Violated from the above “Facts” and what wasn’t done  in regards to the Polling Stations and Notifications of them changing. Page 4 & 5 cover where in the 14 Amendment of the Constitution where they had violated our rights.  The illegal decision of the Lower & Upper Courts to change our election laws without the Legislators Changing them and Our Governor Signing them into Law.

Below the Alaska Democrats are having a Meltdown over this Lawsuit.  We know the work that was done in their Neighborhoods to get out and Ballot Harvest Their Votes in .  Al Gross and Alyse Galvin had paid people from out of State trying to Harvest them all.  (This is Why We Have “Ranked Choice Voting”.  Another thing that our Judicial Branched overstepped their powers just like they did with Witness Signatures Above when they change the one subject rule for a Ballot Measure.)


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