Drill Baby, Drill! 80% of Alaskans support mineral Development in our state. Unfortunately…
This is one post that never seems to stop growing. That is why I keep sharing. Governor Mike Dunleavy fully supports the removal of the Roadless Rule:
Oil Tax Ballot Initiative has a Press Conference about how the signature process has been approved. The far Left that put this together are desperate to get as much money as they can, from those they think are stealing it from them. Socialist way of thinking…. Someone else made it, so we’ll spend it for them:
November 11, 2019:
Pebble Opponents take their case to Congress, hoping they can bypass process and get people to weigh in with feelings and shut it all down: (KTVA 11 Took down their Link when CNN bought them out)
November 17, 2019:
The Far Left of Alaska will do everything in their power to keep Alaska shut down to any future revenue. They like having full control over what happens here. Another Lawsuit has been filed to stop ANWR using the same failed excuses they used when Prudhoe Bay was to be developed.
December 2, 2019:
Time for this group to make this list. “Yes for Alaska’s Fair Share” Ballot Measure One. The oil tax reform initiative that is working its way through the signatory stage. Finds it some clerical errors that Lieutenant Governor Kevin Meyer needs to be addressed.
I would like to give a big shout out to Alaska House Majority, Alaska House Republicans, Alaska Senate Majority and Alaska Senate Democrats once again are selling out all Alaskans for the fifth year in a row to make sure the Elite of Alaska keep their wealth, as the rest of Alaskans are made to suffer and ride out this Virus that is currently destroy our country as we know it. The one thing they could have done to make sure “All Alaskans” have the ability to survive what is happening. They have chosen to make sure that it didn’t happen and instead transferred our money over to the Special Interests and making sure that the Money they want to spend on themselves stays in their pockets and not ours.
Didn’t take the Tree Huggers very long to file another lawsuit against the Willow Project from happening. They don’t care if Alaska has a future. It’s all about keep Alaska their personal playground in a place that no of them will ever see.
The Feds completely shutdown the Pebble Mine Project. There isn’t much that Pebble can do now but hope for a prayer that we have a Governor & Legislators will move a bill through that gets that project back going again.
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Politadick, Exposing the Corruption in Alaska with Facts, that Local Media won’t dare show you!
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