Fireplace Ban in the Matsu Valley….
EPA & DEC have once again overstepped their authority in Alaska…

Wow… What a very long meeting

Glad to see so many people that showed up and expressed their views on the subjects discussed tonight.

First: The Bag Tax. It has been Tabled Indefinitely to go where Bills go to die

Fireplace Ban has been put on hold till the 27 of February, as they collect all the information, that we there, have requested and they can provide it for the public to see and review.
They take readings from two places. The Butte and Palmer. Butte’s readings this last year was what stirred this pot again and we could be facing the same problems as Fairbanks is, if the DEC & EPA get their way.
They want to tell, We the People of Alaska who live here, how we are suppose to live in our Great State Of Alaska

Because of what the EPA & DEC are trying to do, wood burning could cost you a $500.00 fine like FBX (Fairbanks) is facing, just because the sniffer they bring out says your wood is putting out to much smoke.
This video originally aired on Facebook January 6 2018:
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